[论坛公告] 2019第四届华语诗歌春晚墨尔本分会场隆重举行 :

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2019第四届华语诗歌春晚墨尔本分会场隆重举行[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.298)]原创: [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.298)]安娟英 [url=]国际联合报社[/url] [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.298)]5天前

《对春天应该有所表示》作者李少君(中国)  朗诵: 黎曼达
Li Shaojun (China), author of "Should Express to Spring": Rimanda

李少君  中国《诗刋》社副主编






There should be something to say about spring.
Li Shaojun, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Shixue Society

People who listen to the spring thunder movement will remember stubbornly

Convinced that spring has arrived from outside the sky

I secretly resolved not to indulge in the hypnotic slumber of heating.

It's time to rein in the cliff and express something about spring.

Even though everything is still in contention, winter is still unwilling to retreat.

Even if it takes another bright moon to clear away the heavy night fog

A swallow's arrow should be fired at the earth

Should play a loud flute to the sky

Only in this way can we break through the blockade and bring forth a bright spring.

Let the clouds spread to the whole world


2019第四届华语诗歌春晚墨尔本分会场1月28日下午在墨尔本市中心的 雲画廊隆重举行。
祝大家- 猪事顺利,猪年好运!幸福吉祥,普天同庆!
子妤和思语老师的压轴合诵,把大家带进了的《走进新年的畅想》,欢乐的背景音乐带来了春的气息,年的味道。 墨尔本朗诵艺术联盟的会员们纷纷勇跃地参加了这次活动的演出。

哈伟 维州中文教师协会副会长
Sophia Sun 綠党参选议员
维州华文作家协会会长陈贺义;Art @Collins 雲画廊总经理、墨尔本朗诵艺术联盟外联部长Lisa Shen;
澳大利亚华人职业妇女协会荣誉会长、《亚梅友约 》主持人诸葛亚梅;
华语诗歌春晚总策划 谭五昌   
顾问:陈杨国生、冯团彬、胡玫、潘华 、宝泉
舞台总监: 燕子、曾萌


1 女高音独唱《我爱你中国》 表演者 王琳琳
2 《普通话趣谈》 陈杨国生朗诵
3 《有这么一群人》作者宝泉   朗诵 宝泉 燕子
4 《乡愁—大洋彼岸滴落的泪花》作者 安娟英  (中国)
       朗诵 如意 曾萌 于永傑
5 《你的凋零何似我之飘零》  朗诵 意玲
6 《春节的灯》 齐慧 王丽萍
7 《最优秀的诗篇》 哈伟朗诵
作者  著名青年诗人熊焱(中国)
8 《感恩大地》      姚月玲朗诵
9 《北江一条河流过仙境》 Lisa xu 朗诵
作者峭岩  原解放军出版社副社长兼编审。中国诗歌学会常务理事、中国萧军研究会新闻发言人、中国作家书画院副院长、国际诗人笔会副主席(中国)
10 古筝独奏 《青花瓷》 曹恺玹
11 《新年颂歌》 王红
12 《我只是俏皮地把青春藏在皱纹里》  承春朗诵
13 《小草的心》 南国剑兰
14 《在这珍贵的人间》 彭惊宇    朗诵:缨子   张忠勋
作者彭惊宇:《绿风》诗刊杂志社社长、执行主编  (中国)
15 《对春天应该有所表示》 黎曼达 朗诵
作者李少君 《诗刋》社副主编(中国)
16 《朱仙镇的菊》 LYNN 朗诵
17 《盛开在秋风中》 沁香雪
18 《春的后面不是秋》 郭小川   朗诵 陈贺义
19《手里捧着鸟声》(中国)唐成茂   朗诵 如意
20,瀑布袈裟  作者《诗歌月刋》主编李云(中国)
21《故乡是一首诗》 晓一
22 《自由的精灵》 原创:沈凤
23《荷塘月色》节选 朱自清 晓文
24《春天遂想起》 余光中 亚梅 SALLY
25《春江花月夜》 张若虚 John 张
26《走进新年的畅想》 子妤 思语
27 《故乡是一首诗》 晓一

主持人:王春燕、曾萌  Host: Wang Chunyan and Zeng Meng

墨尔本朗诵联盟于永傑主席 致祝贺辞
Congratulations by President Yu Yongjie of Melbourne Recitation Union

胡玫主席为 雲 画廊总经理 沈涛 鲜花答谢
President Hu Mei thanks Shen Tao, General Manager of Cloud Gallery

  Ann Juanying, Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Journal of Chinese Poets

古筝独奏 《青花瓷》   演奏: 曹恺玹 (十岁)
Guzheng Solo "Blue and White Porcelain" Performance: Cao Kai-jin (10 years old)

《手里捧着鸟声》作者:(中国)唐成茂  朗诵:如意  
Author of "Bird's Voice in Hand": (China) Tang Chengmao recites: Successful

《我只是俏皮地把青春藏在皱纹里》 作者 黄惠波(中国)  朗诵:承春
Huang Huibo (China), author of "I just hide my youth in wrinkles wittily", recites: Chengchun

《感恩大地》 作者 吉狄加马  (中国)朗诵:姚月玲
Jidi Gama (China), author of Thanksgiving Earth, recites: Yao Yueling

《在这珍贵的人间》 彭惊宇 (中国) 朗诵:缨子   张忠勋
Peng Jingyu (China) recites "In this Precious World": Muse Zhang Zhongxun

朗诵者:黎曼达  Reciter: Rimanda

《北江一条河流过仙境》   作者:峭岩     朗诵者: Lisa xu (许晓平)
Author of A River Crossing Wonderland on the Beijiang River: Lisa Xu

《你的凋零何似我之飘零》  作者:黄惠波    朗诵者:意玲
  Author: Huang Huibo Recitator: Yiling

《春节的灯》  朗诵者:齐慧   王丽萍
The Reciter of the Lantern of the Spring Festival: Qi Huiwang Liping

《小草的心》 朗诵者:南国剑兰
Heart of the Grass Reader: Swordsman of Southern China

最优秀的诗篇 作者  熊焱(中国)   朗诵: 哈伟   
The Best Poetry Writer Xiong Yan (China) Reads: Ha Wei

《走进新年的畅想》  朗诵:子妤  思语
Reading "Entering the New Year's Vision": Zi Hao's Siyu

《春江花月夜》 作者  张若虚    朗诵: 张海平
Zhang Ruoxu, author of "Spring River Flowers and Moons Night": Zhang Haiping

女高音独唱《我爱你中国》 王琳琳
Soprano solo "I Love You China" Wang Linlin

朗诵者:燕子和宝泉  Recitator: Swallow and Baoquan

Melbourne Recitation Art Alliance Recitator

Melbourne Branch Hall of the Fourth Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala in 2019

Inheritance of Chinese Culture and Promotion of Centennial New Poetry

The 4th Spring Festival Gala of Chinese Poetry in Melbourne was held in the afternoon of January 28 at the Cloud Gallery in downtown Melbourne.

Cloud Gallery is full of people's voices and laughter, and everywhere is a warm atmosphere of welcoming the New Year, poetry and painting. The Spring Festival Gala of the Fourth Chinese Poetry in Melbourne in 2019 set off a spring-filled east wind full of poetry and painting.

For thousands of years, the Chinese nation has been a poetic nation. China is known as the "country of poetry". This Spring Festival Gala, with the theme of "Poetry and the Far East", inherits the tradition of the previous Spring Festival Gala of Chinese poetry and carries it forward in Melbourne. Bring poetic sentiment.

The Melbourne Branch is co-sponsored by the Poets of China and the Melbourne Reading Art Alliance of Australia. The Literature Magazine of Macao Monthly, the International Union, the Australian Chinese Writers'Day, the Australian Chinese Writers' Association, ARTS@COLLINS Cloud Gallery, the China-Australia Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., Bai Defu Poetic Culture Salon and the Victorian Chinese Teachers'Association are co-sponsored.

Host: Wang Chunyan and Zeng Meng announce that the Spring Festival Gala of Chinese Poetry in 2019 will officially begin. In the full applause, Ms. Yu Yongjie, President of Melbourne Recitation Art Federation, gave a welcome speech. She first extended warm welcome and thanks to the guests, poetry lovers and friends who attended the evening party, especially to Ms. Lisa of Cloud Gallery for her efforts to provide the evening venue. President Yu Yongjie said: In order to improve the organization of this evening party, some members of the organizing committee have made great efforts day and night. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all members of our organizing committee for their selfless dedication. And I wish the Spring Festival Gala a a complete success.
The editor-in-chief of Chinese Poets, Eden Poetry and Ci Poetry Magazine, and the famous Chinese poet Anjuanying, then gave a speech. She introduced the development of the Spring Festival Gala of Chinese poetry. She said that the Spring Festival Gala of Chinese poetry was initiated by Mr. Tan Wuchang, Director of the Research Center of Contemporary Chinese New Poetry of Beijing Normal University and a famous poetry critic, in January 2016. Tan Wuchang himself served as the organizing committee. Director and honorary director of the organizing committee was Zhang Ling, a professor and renowned critic of the School of Literature of Beijing Normal University. Later, he received strong support from many famous poets and celebrities at home and abroad, such as Zheng Min, Tu An, Li Ying, Luo Fu, Zheng Xiaoyu, Gao Ying (Mrs. Ai Qing), Beidao, and so on, which constituted a super luxurious lineup of the Chinese poetry world. Up to now, the Spring Festival Gala of Chinese Poetry has been successfully held for three times in the Centennial Hall of Peking University. Authoritative video media such as Tencent, Youku and Le Video broadcast live Chinese poetry Spring Festival Gala in 2016, 2017 and 2018 to global audiences. CCTV, Xinhua News Agency and major domestic media have also focused on the three Spring Festival Gala of Chinese poetry, which has had a very wide and far-reaching impact at home and abroad. Mr. An said that the 4th Spring Festival Gala of Chinese Poetry in 2019 will be held in Beijing National Library on February 19 (Lantern Festival). The theme of the gala will be "Poetry and the Far". The gala will also be interspersed with more than 50 branches of Chinese poets and domestic poets from several countries in the world to hold an unprecedented warm scene in the Spring Festival Gala of Poetry.

Hu Mei, President of Australian Chinese Writers'Day, was invited to address the party. Ms. Hu Mei said: First of all, I warmly congratulate the Melbourne Recitation Art Alliance on hosting the Spring Festival Poetry Recitation Conference and the Melbourne Branch Event of the Fourth Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala in 2019. On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Australian Chinese Writers'Day, I would like to extend warm congratulations and heartfelt thanks to Mr. Yu Yongjie and Ms. Ann Juanying. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and tribute to all members of the Organizing Committee for their selfless dedication.

Finally, let me go to the travelers who still love Chinese culture in the southern hemisphere.

New Year's greetings to Chinese relatives:

Good luck to everyone! Pig luck! Happiness and auspiciousness, celebrating everyday!

Then, Mr. Ann Juanying presented to Mr. Pan Hua, President of the Australian Chinese Writers Association, a magazine of Chinese Poets and her recent novel Old Age, and a collection of poems, Where is the South of the Yangtze River. President Pan Hua is very happy to express his gratitude to Mr. An for his book on behalf of the Australian Chinese Writers Association. It is a precious gift and he hopes that Mr. An will continue to create more and better works. Teacher Ann Juanying then presented paintings and calligraphy to Hu Mei, Chairman of Australian Chinese Writers'Day. In the warm applause, the Melbourne Branch of the Chinese Spring Festival Gala began its poetry recitation.

Teacher Wang Linlin of Weizhou Chinese Teachers Association sings the soprano solo "I Love You China" with affection, which makes the audience full of passion.

Mr. Baoquan and Mr. Yanzi recited his original "There is such a group of people", which was inspired by the spirit of the friends who love poetry and reading in the Longyi League.

Ruyi, Zeng Meng and Yu Yongjie jointly deduced Ann Juanying's original "Homesickness - Tears Dropping on the other side of the Ocean", affectionate and sincere reading, which moved the audience to tears.

Ha Wei, Vice Chairman of Weizhou Chinese Teachers Association, perfectly interpreted Xiong Yan's "Excellent Poems" with his rich and mellow voice, and eulogized the great mother in the poet's works. The applause lasted for a long time.

Chen Yang Guosheng, chairman of RMIT Australia-China Research Institute, brought his original poem "This Land" to recite the praise of Australia, the second hometown.

Chen Heyi, president of Weizhou Chinese Writers Association, recited Guo Xiaochuan's poem "Behind Spring Is Not Autumn".

John recited the ancient poem "Spring River Flowers and Moons Night".

Sophia's Heart of the Grass

Cao Kaixi, a descendant of Chinese who has just won the gold medal in the music competition, played the popular Blue and White Porcelain with a zither. The familiar tunes resonated. Warm applause was the best encouragement.

Zi Hao and Siyu recited together on a special occasion, bringing you into "Entering the New Year's Vision". The joyful background music brings the breath of spring and the taste of the New Year. Members of the Melbourne Recitation Art Alliance took part in the performance.

The Spring Festival Gala ended with a warm thank-you from Chairman Yongjie and Editor-in-Chief Ann Juanying.

Once again, they thanked Ms. Lisa of Cloud Gallery for providing a venue for the Spring Festival Gala!

And to all the guests, actors and individuals who attended the event, dedicated support, selfless dedication of the unit to express their hearts.


Ann Juanying's editor-in-chief is especially grateful to the Chinese compatriots who love the art of Chinese poetry and have great enthusiasm for Chinese poetry on the other side of the ocean. Last but not least, we hope to meet again in the coming year.
The main guests at the party were:

Special guest:

An Juanying: Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Journal of Chinese Poets

Ranking is irrespective of order:

Yang Guosheng, consultant of Longyi Alliance and chairman of RMIT Australia-China Research Society;

Xu Jixing, consultant of Longyi Alliance and President of Weizhou Chinese Teachers Association;

President of Australian Chinese Writers'Day and former director of Chinese Department of SBS Broadcasting Corporation, Hu Mei OAM; President of Australian Chinese Writers Association, Pan Hua;

Feng Tuanbin, President of Oceania Media Group and Chairman of Oceania Literature Federation;

Wang Yanfeng, Executive Chairman of Oceania Literary Union;

Huang Hong, Chairman of Huaao Media Co., Ltd.

Chen Heyi, President of the Chinese Writers Association of Victoria, Lisa Shen, General Manager of Art@Collins Cloud Gallery and Minister of External Relations of Melbourne Recitation Art Alliance;

Xu Shaoying, Director of New Jinshan Chinese Library;

CCTV CCTV4 Melbourne Audience Club Director,

Pan Zhiyuan, Assistant Director of New Jinshan Chinese Library;

Tsunami, President of Victorian Singing Association;

Zhuge Yamei, Honorary President of the Chinese Professional Women's Association of Australia and Moderator of the Yamei Friendship Treaty;

Bai Defu's poetry culture salon represents Baoquan.

Liu Gangjun, President of the Alumni Association of Peking University;

Wang Linlin, director of the Weizhou Chinese Teachers Association and judge of the Water Cube Singing Contest;

Tong Yun, Chairman of New Era Group;

Miaozi, President of the Beijing Association of Hometown People;

Organizing Committee of Melbourne Branch of the Fourth Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala in 2019

Tan Wuchang, General Planner of Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala, Melbourne Branch of the Fourth Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala in 2019

General Planning: Yu Yongjie, An Juanying, Wang Yanfeng and Wang Lingmei

Director: Wang Chunyan and Shi Ruyi

Consultant: Chen Yang Guosheng, Feng Tuanbin, Hu Mei, Pan Hua, Baoquan

Executive Planning: Shen Tao, Xu Xiaoping and Yiling

Stage Director: Yanzi and Zeng Meng

Art Guidance: Zi Hao and Siyu

Conference Supervisor: Yueling, Manda

Photography: Leo

Program guides

1 Soprano Solo "I love you China" performer Wang Linlin

2 Interesting Talks in Putonghua by Chen Yang Guosheng

3 Baoquan, the author of "There are such a group of people", recites Baoquan Swallows

4 Ann Juanying (China), author of Nostalgia - Tears Dropping across the Ocean

Good recitation once sprouted in Yongjie

5 "How Your Decline Is Like My Varying" Reads Yiling

Author Huang Huibo, member of the Poetry Committee of Guangdong Writers Association, is currently Vice-President of the People's Government of Longgang District, Shenzhen (China)

6 The Lantern of the Spring Festival Qi Hui Wang Liping

7 The Best Poems Ha Wei recites

The famous young poet Xiong Jian (China)

8 Yao Yueling recites "Thanksgiving Earth"

Author Jidigama, Secretary and Vice-Chairman of the Secretariat of the Chinese Writers Association (China)

9 Lisa Xu recites "A River Crossing Wonderland on the Beijiang River"

Author Kuiyan, former vice president and editor of PLA Publishing House. Executive Director of Chinese Poetry Society, Press Spokesperson of Chinese Xiaojun Research Society, Vice President of Chinese Writers'Academy of Calligraphy and Painting and Vice President of International Poets' Pen Association (China)

10 Guzheng Solo "Blue and White Porcelain" Cao Kaixi

11 "New Year Carol" Wang Hong

12 Cheng Chun recites "I just hide my youth in wrinkles wittily"

Author Huang Huibo is a member of the Poetry Committee of Guangdong Writers Association and a visiting professor of Hanshan Normal University. Now he is the deputy director of the Longgang District People's Government of Shenzhen. (China)

13 Heart of the Grass

14 In this Precious World Peng Jingyu recites: Miaozi Zhang Zhongxun

Author Peng Jingyu: President and Executive Editor-in-Chief of Green Wind Poetry Magazine (China)

15 Rimanda recites "Should Express to Spring"

Author Li Shaojun, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Shishao Society (China)

16 LYNN Recitation of Juxian Town's Chrysanthemum

Author Liang Ping: Vice Chairman of the Poetry Committee of the Chinese Writers'Association, Vice Chairman of Sichuan Writers' Association, Chairman of Chengdu Wenlian and Editor-in-Chief of Caotang Poetry Journal (China)

17 "Blooming in the Autumn Wind" Qin Xiangxue

18 "Behind Spring Is Not Autumn" Guo Xiaochuan recites Chen Heyi

19 "Bird's Voice in Hand" (China) Tang Chengmao recites as he wishes

20. Li Yun (China), Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Moon Hair, the author of Waterfall Dresses

21 "Hometown is a Poem" Xiaoyi

22 The Spirit of Freedom: Shen Feng

Adaptation: Baoquan


Qian min

23 Excerpt from Moonlight in Lotus Pond Zhu Ziqing Xiaowen

24 "Remembering in Spring" Yu Guangzhong Yamei SALLY

25 "Spring River Flowers and Moons Night" Zhang Ruoxu, John Zhang

26 Zi Hao's Thoughts of Entering the New Year

27 "Hometown is a Poem" Xiaoyi

《 国际联合报 》

总顾问:General Advisor:
(中国)General Advisor: Liu Tian Yi (China)
屠  杰(中国)Tu Jie (China)
严万鸿(中国)Yan Wanhong (China)
顾 问:Consultant:
王芳闻(中国)Wang Fangwen (China)
安娟英(中国)An Juanying (China)
施咏之(中国)Advisor: Shi Yong (China)
金   罡(中国)Golden Gang (China)
社 长:李佳琴(中国)President: Li Jiaqin (China)
名誉总编:吴传玖将军(中国)Honorary Editor-in-Chief: General Wu Chuanjiu (China)   
总 编:晓风(李凤和)(中国)Editor in chief: Xiao Feng (Li Fenghe) (China)
常务副总编:邓瑛(德国)Deputy editor in chief: Deng Ying (Germany)
执行总编:胡金全博士(中国·香港)Executive Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Hu Jinquan (Hong Kong, China)     
副 总 编:杨生博教授(中国) Vice President: Professor Yang Shengbo (China)
副总编:陈淑梅博士(中国)Vice President: Dr. Chen Shumei (China)   
副总编:张玉峰(中国)Deputy editor in chief: Zhang Yufeng (China)
副总编:夏露博士(中国)Vice President: Dr. Xia Lu (China)   
总  监:何妮(公益慈善机构)(中国)Director: He Ni (charity) (China)
总  监:雅雯(艺术)(中国)Director: Ya Wen (Art) (China)
执行总监:丁灯教授(艺术)(中国)Executive Director: Professor Ding Deng (Art) (China)   
总  监:刘云(人力资源)(中国)Director: Liu Yun (human resources) (China)
副总监:史治科(中国)Deputy director: history section (China)
主   编:王永纯(中国)Editor-in-chief: Wang Yongchun (China)
执行主编:黑马建雄(中国)Executive Editor-in-Chief: Black Horse Jianxiong (China)
副主编:李代全(中国)Deputy editor in chief: Li Daiquan (China)
副主编:吴顺珍(中国)Deputy editor in chief: Wu Shunzhen (China)
副主编:古申元(中国)Deputy editor: Gu Shen Yuan (China)
副主编:田承德(美国)Deputy Editor: Tian Chengde (USA)
廉政文化监督员:乔红(中国) Qiao Hong, Supervisor of Integrity Culture(China)
主 播:陈淑梅博士(中国)Anchor: Dr. Chen Shumei (China)   
主 播:春天(中国)Anchor: Spring (China)
主  播:刘仁平(中国)Anchor: Liu Renping (China)
主  播:雪石(中国)Anchor: snow stone (China)
主 播:郭柯宏副教授(中国)Anchor: Associate Professor Guo Kehong (China)
主 播:云舒(中国)Anchor: Yunshu (China)
主  播:文莉(中国)Anchors: Wen Li (China)
总监助理:吴怡(中国)Assistant director: Wu Yi (China)
副主任:侯祝敏(英文编辑部)(中国)Deputy director: Hou Zhu Min (English Editorial Department) (China)
副主任:无心剑(英文编辑部)(中国)Deputy Director: Wuxinjian (English Editorial Department) (China)
主  任:胡旺盛(综合办公室)(中国)Director: Hu Wangsheng (integrated office) (China)
副主任:孙丽梅(综合办公室)(中国)Deputy Director: Sun Limei (General Office) (China)
主 任:赵百玲(外联部)(中国)Director: Zhao Bailing (external liaison department) (China)
美术编辑:王珂(中国)Art editor: Wang Ke (China)
责任编辑:李明琴(中国)Responsible Editor: Li Mingqin (China)
首席律师:易燕博士(中国)Chief Lawyer: Dr. Yi Yan (China)


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